Butter Biscuits


  • Self raising flour: 225g or 8oz
  • Pinch of salt
  • Butter: 170g or six oz
  • Sugar: 110g or four oz
  • Beaten egg: one pcs


  1. Take a bowl to sift salt and flour. Rub within the butter to form breadcrumbs.
  2. Add sugar and overwhelmed egg to combine. you would like to form stiff dough. activate floured surface and gently knead the dough till swish.
  3. In cling film, wrap the dough and chill to icebox for around half-hour.
  4. On a floured surface, roll the dough out with the peak for regarding six metric linear unit and move create thirty rounds. Place on buttered baking receptacle and bake in kitchen appliance for regarding a hundred and eighty degrees C or Gas four with twelve to fifteen minutes of baking method therefore the biscuits address golden brown.
Laura Mariano

Written by Laura Mariano

Laura Mariano is a food blogger who founded Recipes By Gymonset.com to make cooking easier. Growing up on a farm in Spain, Laura was inspired by exquisite dishes prepared using simple ingredients. Laura Mariano is particularly known for making anyone can cook.

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