Stuffed Potato Pancakes Recipe

Stuffed Potato Pancakes are a delicious twist on traditional potato pancakes. They’re typically made by mixing mashed potatoes with ingredients like flour, eggs, and seasonings to form a batter. A filling, such as cheese, herbs, or cooked meat, is placed in the center of the batter before it’s cooked. The pancake is then fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a gooey or flavorful center.

Here’s a basic recipe for Stuffed Potato Pancakes:


  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 1/2 cup flour (plus extra for dusting)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup chopped green onions (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Filling options (e.g., shredded cheese, cooked bacon, sautéed mushrooms, or chopped herbs)
  • Oil for frying


  1. Prepare the Batter: In a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes with flour, egg, salt, and pepper until well combined. You can also add green onions or other seasonings to taste.
  2. Prepare the Filling: Choose your filling ingredients and have them ready.
  3. Form the Pancakes: Take a small amount of potato mixture and flatten it in your hand. Place a small amount of your chosen filling in the center, then fold the edges of the potato mixture over the filling to enclose it completely. Gently shape into a patty.
  4. Dust and Fry: Lightly dust each patty with flour to help prevent sticking. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Fry the patties for about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.
  5. Drain and Serve: Remove the pancakes from the skillet and drain on paper towels. Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce or toppings.

These stuffed pancakes can be customized with different fillings to suit your taste

Laura Mariano

Written by Laura Mariano

Laura Mariano is a food blogger who founded Recipes By to make cooking easier. Growing up on a farm in Spain, Laura was inspired by exquisite dishes prepared using simple ingredients. Laura Mariano is particularly known for making anyone can cook.

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